Leadcom Newsletter – April 2020

Leadcom Newsletter – April 2020

2023-12-14T04:33:00-05:00April 16th, 2020|

Standing by Our Customers During Challenging Times

Virus knows no borders, but the worst oftimes reveals the best in people. As the pandemic continues to impact almost every corner of the world, we believe that small acts of human kindness can make the biggest of differences.

At Leadcom we have returned to business and continue to get back up to speed. But of equal importance has been our focus on sending face masks to those of our customers who are in need.

leadcom seating newsletter - April-1

We all hope the world begins to win the war against the coronavirus crisis. In the meantime, we’ll continue to do all that we can to support our customers.

We are together!

leadcom seating newsletter - April-2

The Ferma Makes the Perfect Partner for Awaiting Airport Passengers

Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport, South America

Every year almost half a million passengers pass through the doors of the Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport. Leadcom was trusted with the seating in their waiting room, where 424 passengers can sit, relax and await their flight at any one point in time.

For this environment, robustness is paramount, for which reason the Ferma LS-535Y is easily among the most popular for terminal operators. Offering traveler comfort, durability and safety, this seating model will stand up to the everyday rigors of life at Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport for many years to come.

Johan Adolf Pengel International Airport-1

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