Leadcom Celebrates the New Year with a Weekend Filled with Good Food and Nice Drinks 

Leadcom Celebrates the New Year with a Weekend Filled with Good Food and Nice Drinks 

2020-03-16T02:23:30-04:00March 16th, 2020|
28th-29th December 2019

As we enter a new decade and move from 2019 into 2020, Leadcom marked the close of one year and the promise of another with a wonderful weekend away at the Regal Palace Resort & Spa.

Over the course of two days, our International Business Department team BBQed, played games and unwound in the hot spring. The sun shone, laughter was constant, the food was delicious and the drinks flowed freely.

The weekend proved to be the perfect way to celebrate all the successes that Leadcom had achieved during 2019.

We’d like to wish everyone at Leadcom a Happy New Year. We’d also like to take this opportunity to give thanks to our clients for your support and your trust in our ability to continually exceed your expectations.

Here’s to all that 2020 will bring.

leadcom seating news December

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